Journal of Dental Implant Research 2014; 33(1): 1-6
The alveolar bone regeneration using by stem cell and tissue engineering
Jae-Yun Jeon, Chang-Joo Park, Kyung-Gyun Hwang
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
© The Korean Academy of Implant Dentistry. All rights reserved.

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Regeneration of the oral and maxillofacial tissue has researched for years by dentist and scientist with difficult and challenge. The defect of oral and maxillofacial tissue caused by trauma, disease, infection, aging. For long time, the new materials and methods have developed and investigate to replace and regenerate the destructive tooth, periodontal tissue, jaw bone structure. During the last years, new stem cell, tissue engineering, bone biology, and molecular biologic knowledge has become useful for approaching to oral and maxillofacial tissue regeneration. And computer science and technology including three-dimensional image processing and printing has rapidly developed. The fusion technology with biology and engineering will provide the advance result for oral tissue regeneration. In this article, the author review and summarized the stem cell and tissue engineering in dental application.
Keywords: Stem cell, Tissue engineering, Regeneration, Fusion technology

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