Journal of Dental Implant Research :eISSN 2671-941X / pISSN


Table. 2.

Keywords for search strategy

Sr. no Search strategy
1 Zirconia implants [Abstract & Keywords] OR Dental implants [MeSH] OR Biocompatibility [MeSH ] OR In-vivo [MeSH] OR Micro-arc oxidation [Abstract & Keywords] OR Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation[Abstract & Keywords] OR Surface modifications [Abstract & Keywords]
2 Biocompatibility [MeSH] OR Zirconia implants [tw] OR Surface modifications [tw] OR Dental implants [MeSH] OR Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation [tw] OR Corrosion resistance [tw] OR In-vivo [MeSH] OR Bioactivity [MeSH] OR Micro-arc oxidation [tw]
3 Dental implants [MeSH] OR Biocompatibility [MeSH] OR Zirconia implants [Abstract & Keywords] OR Surface modifications [Abstract & Keywords] OR Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation [Abstract & Keywords] OR Micro-arc oxidation [tw]
Journal of Dental Implant Research 2024;43:67~76
© J Dent Implant Res